Whatever is happening inside of us shows up on the outside ... and ... what is happening on the outside reflects what is happening inside. Doesn't matter which came first . What matters is if you like what you see and feel. Maybe it's time to change course? Maybe it's time to get your own bearings. Start with a clean slate. Literally. Figuratively.
By taking a class, experiencing a Sorting-Out Session, having your space analyzed, or energetically cleared, start navigating towards a different direction ... a different life for you, as well as for the ones around you, since we are all connected. Why not start exploring ....
February 12, 2025 : Full Moon!
Are you around Sunday Feb. 23?
​​​On Sunday, Feb. 23 (12 PM - 4 PM) if you find yourself near Shrewsbury, stop by at Blue Moon Yoga and come say "Hi". I will be there at the Crystal Shopping Event! Come learn more about feng shui and dowsing. Tarot card readers will also be there. Should be a very interesting event.
Blue Moon Yoga
827 Broad St # 5,
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702